The Perks4Schools Community Card program is easy
to initiate and there is absolutely no cost to our schools, businesses or cardholders for participation.
To enroll
in our program, we request the school's assistance in identifying sponsors. They can be existing school supporters or the
program can be offered to other local businesses. Once a minimum of ten sponsors have agreed to support your school,
we will provide your campus with Perks4Schools cards that reflect your school's specific name. The schools distribute these
cards to all of their parents and faculty members who then activate the cards on-line. Once activated, the cardholders
are provided with a list of participating businesses that have agreed to donate a percentage of the card related sales to
their school. Each time the cardholder presents their card, the merchant scans the card electronically during checkout
and contributions are automatically calculated for each school. One hundred percent (100%) of the contributions are
transferred to our schools electronically at the close of each quarter.
In addition to raising funds for your school,
this program provides a vehicle for you to reciprocate and help grow the businesses that are supporting you. Perks4Schools
helps your sponsors to attract and retain new customers, improve their buying frequency and increase the amount of their average
sale. Many merchants offer incentives directly to cardholders too so it is a win-win-win program.