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How the Community Card Works For Businesses

Most business owners like the idea of supporting non-profits but traditional donation program often offer little to their business in return. The GRI Community Card changes all of that by providing businesses with a vehicle to support non-profits while attracting new customers and rewarding customer loyalty.  Non-profit supporters are provided with a list of participating local merchants which include the business names, addresses, donation percentages and any additional incentive that the businesses may offer the cardholder. Each time our Community Card is presented, member businesses scan the card electronically and contributions are automatically calculated for the specific cause.  One hundred percent(100%) of these tax deductible contributions are transferred quarterly to our participating non-profit members.

In addition to being advertised on the GRI website, member businesses are provided with access to our customer database that supplies them with an electronic list of all the non-profit supporters that have used the Community Card at their business. This data can be used for targeted email marketing, to offer specials for cardholder's birthdays and anniversaries, encourage visits during off peak hours and more. The GRI Community Card can reduce, and even eliminate, the need for traditional advertising.

All cards are free of charge to non-profits and their supporters plus there is no initiation cost to our member businesses. Since the card is scanned electronically, and there is proprietary information included, GRI assumes its member businesses credit card processing. This also provides compensation for our role in supplying the cards, database, etc.  Our standard processing rates are less expensive for many of our new members but, if you have a lower rate...no problem. Simply document your rates and GRI will match your support cost. This is no additional expense for participating in our program so the GRI Community Card represents a winning solution for everyone involved.

Additional Information . . .

Business Flyer

Business Enrolllment Form